492 - We will be running a webinar from our HCP website. The webinar will be delivered by an internal medical expert. The webinar content will be on-label and pre-cleared. HCPs will need to register for the webinar on the "events" section of our gated HCP website. This section would only contain a list of upcoming webinar events. The description for the webinar would include; title, date, time location and a basic bio of the speaker. If the webinar title does not include mention of any specific products and the remaining info is purely factual details about the event date, time & speaker credentials, does this content need to be pre-cleared by PAAB?
I presume the event section is gated by some sort of system that requires validation that the user is an HCP. Give me a call at the PAAB office so we can discuss the possibility of setting this up as a general template which PAAB can review a single time (but which you can use across the life of this initiative with renewals). The reviewer of the webinar should be made aware that this page links to the webinar he/she is reviewing (as PAAB should be made aware of all inbound and outbound links). Upon preliminary glance of the info in your question, the main sticky point appears to be inclusion of the event title. But there may be a way to standardize that e.g. “Webinar on the management of X” where X is the name of the medical condition and this matches the title of the PAAB approved webinar. I am assuming the webinar itself is an editorial APS rather than the product branded APS. We’ll discuss this further when you call me.