254 - I'm curious as to why the STI Innovicares program is allowed to advertise specific brand name drugs on a website without PAAB review; especially given two main pharmaceutical companies are behind a large promotion of their brands (AZ/Sanofi)? Isn't this considered DTC advertising linked to brand name drugs? The website is at www.innovicares.ca and also has DTC ads and posters in addition to the website.
I have not reviewed the site as this is a forum for Q&A on the general meaning and application of the PAAB Code of Advertising Acceptance and not for advertising monitoring, reviews, or complaints. You may call me if you have questions about whether specific content on publicly accessible portions of the site exceed this restriction. As a general point, promotion of Rx drugs to consumers is permitted, but it is restricted to name, price, and quantity. You may call me if you have questions about whether specific content on publicly accessible portions of the site exceed this restriction. Note that Health Canada adjudicates complaints about DTC advertising of healthcare products.