Formulary criteria
We are looking to create a leave behind that provides a simplified view of a brand's public formulary listing criteria (i.e. summarize key points with respect to patient characteristics, prior drug treatments, etc.) for HCPs, with a link to the full criteria on provincial site.
Hello @tmcm
I’m going to assume that you are asking if this is acceptable to do. Key things to consider are that the formulary criteria should be a complete presentation of the coverage criteria (s.2.1), so a summary presentation would have to be considered complete on the face of the ad (the link to the full coverage would not be sufficient). Additionally, highlighting specific patient characteristics may be viewed as placing emphasis on those characteristics, which may require support. Similar concerns may arise with highlighting specific prior drug treatments. We would need to consider the specifics of the drug and the coverage criteria to determine if the summary is sufficient. Q&A 258 provides additional information as well as the advisory document Provincial Formulary Coverage Statements