DTC APS for use in HCP offices
If an unbranded help-seeking website for a DTC audience has been previously ASC approved, and tools that drive consumers to the site are developed for use in HCP waiting rooms/offices and submitted to the PAAB for review, will the PAAB accept the standing ASC approval of the DTC website? Or would the website be required to be resubmitted to the PAAB for a full review, on the basis of the fact that it's referenced within the APS submitted to the PAAB for review? Audience would be the same (consumers) for both the website and the tools being developed that drive people to the website.
In context of this question, we are well aware of this newsletter reminder: https://www.paab.ca/resources/targeting-consumer-materials-to-patients-through-healthcare-professionals/
And this associated guidance document: https://www.paab.ca/resources/advisory-aps-in-patient-interaction-areas/
Waiting rooms in HCP offices are not defined within this guidance. Is there a difference in the answer to the above question between APS utilized in general waiting rooms vs. in HCP/patient interaction areas such as exam rooms, in terms of the mandate for PAAB review and also the acceptance of the standing ASC approval on the existing website?
Hello @karen-taylor
The terminology “HCP/patient interaction areas” was used to be a broad and all-encompassing term to include the office, waiting room, digital space etc. where the HCP has control over the content that is in the space. PAAB Q&A 240 provides additional clarification.