127 - On the website: http://fightosteoporosis.ca/ the copyright notice says: "Copyright C 2010 A research based pharmaceutical company" This doesn't seem right to me, I would expect a copyright notice to clearly state the site's owners. Investigation shows that the site is operated by Warner Chilcott (who market Actonel) but a lot of digging is necessary to get that information.Is this on-side with PAAB regulations?
This is a direct-to-consumer activity that contains a legal issue that is beyond the PAAB Code. Health Canada has a policy, "The Distinction Between Advertising and Other Activities", see http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/advert-publicit/index-eng.php regarding Help-Seeking ads that you can see on their web-site. As a requirement to meet the law, you cannot identify a company name. Other companies have tried identifying their company through the copyright line and were told by HC that that did not meet the legal requirement. The PAAB offers a four day trurnaround opinion review service for Direct-to-Consumer advertising and disease information web-sites that helps keep companies out of trouble.