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Acceptable references to establish first/second/third line treatment
In a disease state that does not have authoritative Canadian consensus guidelines, could a CDA (previously CADTH) Provisional Funding Algorithm be used to support which products are recommended to be used first-line, second-line, third-line, etc. Providing this as an example: https://www.cda-amc.ca/sites/default/files/DRR/2024/PH0047_Multiple_Myeloma.pdf.
Good Morning, @maryssa
Historically, as confirmed by the provided document (see Background, paragraph 2 copy “Note that provisional funding algorithms are not treatment algorithms; they are neither meant to detail the full clinical management…”), these documents are not intended to be treatment algorithms. However, Canada's Drug Agency (CDA-AMC) has an expanded mandate and role, including improving medication prescribing practices. We will reach out to CDA to discuss whether their new mandate impacts PAAB review. Stay tuned.
Thanks Jennifer!
In the absence of authoritative Canadian consensus guidelines, is there another reference type you can recommend to support which products are recommended to be used first-line, second-line, third-line, etc?