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Clinical trial cessation
A published clinical study has mention that there was "early trial cessation was recommended" in the upfront abstract section of the the paper. Can we make mention of this in APS? In particular, if the APS announces a new indication (which carries low Fair Balance) and we add mention that the trial that supported the indication had an early cessation (no mention of what the results were, do we need high Fair Balance and what other data is required for it's inclusion?
Hello @gmc
Hard to say whether this is even acceptable without looking at the study, but as a general question, we can state that this would require highest level fair balance. It is an implied claim of efficacy which would likely require quantification from the study (i.e., presentation of data). If it was stopped due to safety concerns, that would also prompt inclusion of that information and render it subject to highest level fair balance. With respect to “what other data is required for it’s inclusion?”, this is a review specific question. Please submit for an opinion as there are a number of factors that would need to be considered.