472 - Can an ASC approved piece be used by pharma with an HCP if it is not PAAB approved? Can it be used in the HCP office via TV screen?
The target audience and PAAB scope are central to your question. Promotion directed at HCPs falls within the scope of PAAB. Per s1 of the PAAB code, advertising provided to HCPs requires PAAB preclearance. The Health Canada document “Guidance Document - Health Canada and Advertising Preclearance Agencies' Roles Related to Health Product Advertising” available at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/advert-publicit/pol/role_apa-pca-eng.php only recognizes PAAB for the preclearance of HCP advertising. For materials which will also be accessible/viewable by those visiting the clinic, please refer to the following document: http://www.paab.ca/resources/pdfs/Guidance for APS E 11 18 2009.pdf