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Unbranded patient piece highlighting certain comorbidities
Hi there,
Could we make an unbranded patient piece with an overall focus on Disease A (e.g., what it is, what causes it, all available management options [both pharma and non-pharma]) that includes a section on co-morbidities associated with Disease A? In this section, could we highlight (and by "highlight" I mean "provide more information on") one of the more common co-morbidities without highlighting the others?
Thank you!
Hi @kshulist
Assuming that the highlighting of select co-morbidities did not favour one class of products over another and that the co-morbidities were not tied back to any off-label therapeutic implications for products, it could theoretically be done in the context described.
@jennifer-carroll Hi Jen,
Thanks so much for your answer! I just wanted to clarify what you meant when you said "that the co-morbidities were not tied back to any off-label therapeutic implications for products". What does that mean for including certain drug classes in the "pharma treatment section" of our piece? (Some drugs within a class may be indicated for the co-morbidity and some may not - is it still okay to mention the whole class in our pharma treatments section?)
Hi @kshulist
In general, you want to apply the following litmus test:
Would a user be able to identify the sponsor?
Would competitors be equally as likely to sponsor the distribution of the piece?You can assume that if you are treating a condition that has three drug classes which treat the condition, and one of them has an indication which includes a comorbidity that the other two do not, focusing on that comorbidity, would not be acceptable.
@jennifer-carroll Thanks for clarifying! I understand now